Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Aesthetic Surgery: redefining the self

In the selection from Creating Beauty to Cure the Soul, patients and surgeons use elective aesthetic surgical procedures to achieve "happiness."  The patients are unhappy with their physical selves in relation to the social constructs that define physical perfection.  They have adopted the idea that physical perfection is a projection of health and happiness.  They choose to surrender control of their physical selves to surgeons in the hope that they will find happiness by moving closer to societies definition of perfection.  In turn, the surgeons say that they achieve happiness by pleasing their patients.

This whole process falls into a grey area when the Hippocratic Oath is considered.  Surgeons are to do no harm and not perform un-necessary procedures.  This isn't a life or death procedure, but the mental welfare of some patients may be improved.  There are great risks taken in many of these procedures, and they are taken merely for "vanity."  The idea of aesthetic surgery pushes the limits of the Hippocratic Oath.

The procedures seem tame compared to much of what we have examined in the autopsies, Pox Parties, and many of our medical criminals papers.  There may be risk involved, but the surgeries are performed with the best intentions to help the patients.  Additionally, the patients are consenting to the procedures.  The intentions of both parties may seem superficial, but it has been suggested that attractive people are generally more successful in many aspects of life.  We are judged by our peers based on our physical appearance, and much of our definition of self is constructed communally.  It is in this perception that the surgeries may be to the benefit of the patients.  As long as all parties are willing and informed, I would argue that aesthetic surgery is in the best interest of patients and ethically permissible from the perspective of the surgeon.

Robert Hunter

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