Thursday, April 4, 2013


A clone is commonly defined as a ?cell that is genetically identical to the unit from which it was derived?. This definition explains that a clone is simply a copy of another human being or species DNA. There is a lot of controversy when discussing the idea of cloning living organisms, especially people, because no one knows exactly where to draw the line between what is socially acceptable and what is considered to have gone too far.
In some cases, cloning could be used as a positive practice. For example, the video clip we watched about the mother who physically could not reproduce looked into cloning as a solution to have a child of her own that shared her DNA. In cases where a family cannot reproduce for themselves, cloning would be a way to allow these families to fill the missing gaps and have children that are ?theirs?.
However, the negatives significantly outweigh the positives of cloning in my eyes. Since this process is extremely out of the ordinary, most people have weird and oftentimes emotional reactions to the idea of cloning another human being.  Instead of creating a child the traditional way, with a man and woman, the practice of cloning uses a cell from a human being and creates a baby this way.  Straying from how babies have always been made can be frightening to many people. Another thought that was brought up is the aspect of the clones individuality. Instead of being a unique human, cloning destroys ones individuality and sense of self. The idea that this procedure isn?t guaranteed to work 100% also leads skeptics to believe cloning humans is unethical."

Emily Kiger
(posted by Dr. Renzi on her behalf)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree with this, even though there could be significant benefits to cloning human beings, there are too many people in society that can't be trusted to refrain from experimenting. As we have seen from examples that we have discussed in class, becoming a medical madman is a slippery slope that starts with good intentions. In this case, it could result in not only physical deformities to the clones, but it could lead to these individuals only being seen as scientific breakthroughs or test subjects instead of real people.

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