Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Frankenstein or Scooby Doo?

I have never been a huge X-files fan, finding the characters a little dull and plot lines predicting, and this episode wasn't anything new. But pertaining to class, I thought the main concept and storyline did thematically connect very well to the ideas that we have been discussing. The eerie black and white film, a hideous monster spawn from an experiment gone wrong, and an old crazy man trying to stump the detectives. A seemingly perfect blend between Frankenstein and Scooby-Doo. The horror style plot fit with an emotional ending along with the creation of life through experimentation mirrored Frankenstein well. While the detective sequence and mystery style storyline, with main characters with conflicting points of view seemed to be taken right from Scooby-Doo. Though the mad doctor in this episode I thought played his part very well, probably the best actor in the episode, his evilness and intelligence were both very prevelant. Even though I thought the ending was extremely corny, I thought it was a great watch for a medical madmen class.

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