Saturday, March 16, 2013

Bad Medicine: US Experimentation, Eugenics, & Nazi Race Politics

While reading this I couldn't believe all the things that were done to terminally ill patients. In the reading it says that most the experiments they were doing they would only do on corpses because of the pain it caused. Just because someone is terminally ill and they are going to die soon doesn't give anyone any right to do experiments on them or that they feel any less pain than a healthy person would. I would consider these "doctors" to be madmen because they don't seem to have any concerns about the patient and can just use a mallet to drive needles into a person to get bone marrow or put six inch needles in their livers. They only cared about the research they needed and not the patient.

The euthanasia project was absolutely absurd. I can't believe that people thought they had the right to say who was allowed to live. The fact that the doctors were called death doctors and had gas vans just shows how wrong it all was. Doctors are supposed to take care of people and help them get better if they are sick not bring death upon people.

Anna Bunge

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