Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Medical Madmen Project

During my research, I stumbled upon interesting point of view, written by Dr. Adams as a foreword in "Doctors from Hell" by Vivien Spitz.In it,  Dr Adams stresses the importance of  having medical doctors and medical students read the book and any account of the atrocities committed by the Nazi doctors. This he hopes would help them see that the Nazi doctors where regular, respected people just like they are but became allowed themselves to be overtaken by power, recognition and prestige at the expense of the the individual patient for the so called greater good. That such an outlook lacks a moral compass, making it possible for any ordinary person to commit and justify their atrocities.
In his foreword, Dr. Adams stresses that this perspective is still prevalent today causing greater risk of repeating the same atrocities committed by the Nazi doctors.
This is because such a perspective transforms medicine from a profession that is entrusted with the welfare of the patient to a rat race for accomplishments at the expense of the patients. 
It is also important to note that many of the worst atrocities committed in human history, have been committed by intelligent, "well-adjusted", regular, "good" people, who for some reason almost always never mean any harm. They simply snapped and went crazy,  society  turns a blind eye. 
Society has a responsibility to hold people with knowledge to a higher standard of accountability. Maybe that way these individuals will not become dehumanized, drunk with power and could hold on to their moral compass. This way we could prevent atrocities from happening to innocent people - after all knowledge is power, and with power comes the responsibility to use it wisely.

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