Sunday, March 10, 2013

Blood Work: The Doctor and the Madman

Denis was born into a lower class and against all odds he drives himself to gain an education to become a doctor in order to heighten his status and reach fame. This is how I feel like society is today; in order to become famous there needs to be a breaking point where someone is noticed.
In Paris, Denis is to take on an experiment with the help of a surgeon Emmerez and watched by Montmor's choosing of elite people. The experiment to take place is a blood transfusion between Mauroy a homeless madman and a calf. Both are forced into the experiment which is shown by their resistance when being dragged into the experiment room. Denis and Emmerez participate in this experiment in order to cure Mauroy so that they become famous. I feel like this is interesting to think that a blood transfusion would cure Mauroy. If he seemed mental, I would assume something would be wrong in his head not the blood in his body. The experiment begins and the room is so crowded that even the surgeon is being bumped, which is probably not a good sign but either is his "scalpels crusted with blood" and "muslin drop cloths stained rust brown" (p.7).
This reading points out the reason to why Mauroy's bodily reactions to the transfusion which is not even understood until over two more centuries. Though not being a medical student, I do know you can't just transfuse blood between people because the body, if the blood doesn't match, will reject it as foreign matter. And this is even trickier when dealing with more than a single species.
After the experiment, Mauroy is taken to recover and by the following morning he is "less deranged... seemed to be an altogether changed man" (p.11). So again the experiment occurs with a more behaved audience and using more calf blood. Mauroy reacts similarly with sweating and passes out. The following morning he awakes a kind man.
In the end, Mauroy dies within a few months and Denis is being accused of murder.
If Denis had only found a willing subject or merely used the experiment on two animals, he could have saved himself from murder allegations. I don't quite understand how a blood transfusion could change Denis' behavior, especially since the way he reacted during the experiment indicated that it didn't work and it was never exactly completed. However I am not surprised that it was short-lived for Mauroy.

In the end there is always a cost to becoming famous. Some become famous for unsuitable reasons. Also in many cases becoming famous showcases the successful parts yet also the flaws of a person. In the case of Denis, his breakthrough in medical science is known, yet then he is accused with murder from his work.

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