Thursday, March 21, 2013

Homo Sapiens 1900

Homo Sapiens 1900

There are few things I find interesting about this film and the whole eugenics movement. First, I think it’s very troubling how easy it was for the government to sterilize thousands of people, and this was in the not-so-distant past. This was during the time period where many different groups of people were fighting for equal rights, yet this goes on and no one seems to mind. I think it says a lot about our society that we were so willing to go to such extremes to prevent the birth of people who might be “undesirable”. It makes me wonder, who decided what and who was “undesirable”. I think this is very sinister plan, especially since according to the movie; a few geneticists came forward saying, “Eugenics is unscientific and backwards”. Luckily, in the U.S. this practice was stopped, but in Germany its not hard to see how this was a stepping stone to one of the greatest tragedies in history, the Holocaust.

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