Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Debt

This is the first story that we have come across where the mad doctor is treated as the person under others control.  With the mad doctor being in the position of restraint, he still aggravates and stirs up emotions in his guards so it appears that he is in control in a sense.  This reversal of roles does bring up a lot of perspective on the stresses and what one might do in the power position.  The agents were sent to go capture the doctor and bring him back for trial treating him as a normal prisoner that is not to be harmed.  We later see that Stephan cares less and less about how the doctor is treated and we see a bit of mad doctor characteristics in him, in the sense of starting to use methods that might border the line of torture with the prisoner.  I also thought it was interesting when the doctor brings up that Rachael is pregnant and that he thought that Stephan was the wrong match for a husband/father compared to David.  This touches on the Nazi idea of Eugenics and that people should be told who they should be conceiving children with to better society and the human race.  All in all I enjoyed this movie it gave a much different look in at the mad doctor in a type of role reversal.

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