Monday, February 25, 2013

A Breath of Fresh Air

In this section the entire world of the book appears to have changed both literally and figuratively for the “Prince”. In this section Octavian ventures out into the real world, and for the first time in his life he is free of the house of Gitney. He also meets, seemingly for the first time in his life, non-racist white people. This is a huge shift from the small house hold where all he ever knew was experimentation and expectations for every answer he ever gave. Now with Evidence Goring it seems he has found something he never really knew, at least never in someone white, someone who cares for him. Where do these new characters come from? Why do most of them seem to not be complete racists like the rest of the characters?
 In this chapter he fights for freedom from Britain. This is also ironically the country that set their own slaves free.  So why does he fight on the side of peoples who have done him so much wrong? Is he fighting for his new friends? He risked his own life to save a man of his company or was that act really an act of attempted suicide, or both?
In the army he is still treated differently by some such as when they put him on the work detail nonstop but by many he is treated like we would expect a human being to be treated, they care where he’s from, they let him listen to his own choice in music, and even encourage him to buy his own new clothes. Will any of this kindness be enough to effect the scale in the slightest bit when compared to the over whelming experiences he has been through?

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