Sunday, February 17, 2013

Phrenology - Fowler

As I read through this reading, I found it strange as well as scientifically inaccurate to the "studies" of Phrenology. Basically, the Fowler family popularized the idea that the shape of a person's head is directly related to that person's personality. The reading dives into the shape and sizes of animals' heads and brains as well, where it is stated that when comparing Phrenology to animals and humans, there is no comparison. From there, it focuses on purely humans, but compares different races, "Indian skulls can always be selected from Caucasian just by these developments; while the Caucasian race is superior in reasoning power and moral elevation to all the other races, and accordingly, have higher and bolder foreheads, and more elevated and elongated top heads." This statement really shocked me for two reasons. First, it indicates that Caucasians are superior to all races, which during this time was a popular and natural idea, but now we know is obviously not true indicating a very arrogant statement. Also, this was past the time the Declaration of Independence was written, which clearly states, "all men are created equal." The whole concept of Phrenology goes in the opposite direction of the "belief," so to say, of our country. The next way I was shocked was purely by the Phrenology study! How can we truly correlate the appearance of people's outside looks and shapes, to the way they act, behave, and believe? It really is "pseudoscience," but I believe that from science studies like Phrenology, we were able to move on from it, discover knew scientific advancements, and scientifically prove this knowledge to be inaccurate. I believe it's an arrogant study, but also one that is important, influential study to prove that it really is pseudoscience.

Lindsey Newton

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