Sunday, February 3, 2013

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: The power of evil

The last section of this novel really emphasizes the relationship between the good and bad of human nature. Although we were led to believe that when Hyde appeared, he and not Dr. Jekyll had total control of his actions; however in chapter 10 the readers are now able to see that Dr. Jekyll was aware of his actions when Hyde was present. This came as a shock to me.It shows how in every person there is a struggle between the good and evil. Although Dr. Jekyll could have prevented many of the things that Hyde did, he made no effort in stopping the criminal activities that occurred. This is seen when Dr. Jekyll does not stop the transformation when he clearly feels it coming on. He believes that the blame will be entirely on Hyde and this is something he takes total advantage of. This way of thinking portrays the dark side that Dr. Jekyll possesses, even without the influence of Hyde, suggesting the power and allure that evil has.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I find it interesting that the idea Dr. Jekyll succumbs to his evil side very compelling. However, it becomes apparent at the end of the story that Dr. Jekyll only enjoys this "power" over his other ego when he can somewhat control Hyde's appearances. Tt appears that he loses this control over Hyde when he becomes filled with pride of his apparent goodness.

Andrew Stefanick

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