Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Pox Party- hidden questions

This book was very interesting to read. Although the start of the story was kind of normal, I began to view some hidden lines that brought some questions to my mind. It started with a boy who lives in a house with everything within his reach. He was treated like a prince and lived a great life compared to other kids who lived in the same society. However, it got more complicated when the story took a turn into the "unnamed" people that lived with him and his mother, and the unrelated men who studied all kinds of subjects (from the biology, to art and drawing) that lived in the same house.
Going through the text, you become to realize that Octavian is just a boy who is being experimented on by these men, and led by their boss Mr. Gitney, the owner of the house, also known as 03-01. They conducted a study to compare African kids to kids from high social class to see if the black race is inferior to the European race while under the same social life.
Many questions that came to my mind while reading the text were answered in an indirect way. For instance, the numbers that were given to all the men who worked at the house as well as the guests were designed so the focus the study is completely on Octavian. Also, the way he was treated like a prince so he could be raised exactly like any other kid from the high social class.
Yet, other questions were not so clear like the theme of the  "mad doctor." So far, we know that Mr Gitney is the owner and the head master of this experiment, but it doesn't seems like he has the characteristics of the mad doctor. His physical outlook, the big nose, large head, shaky hands, and the boldness do show him as a mad doctor, yet his personality differs from the general theme of it. He is  respectful, nice, genuine, and never treated Octavian or his mother in any bad way, thus not presenting the real mad doctor picture.
On the other hand, Mr Sharpe's act is much closer to the description of the mad doctor. He abuses Octavian mentally and physically. However, he is not a doctor nor shows any medical knowledge. This idea led me to conclude that the mad doctor here is separated into two characters (Mr. Gitney and Mr. Sharpe).
As far as the similarities to past novels that we read, one of the things that came to my attention was the "forbidden door" downstairs that led to the lab. This reminded me of the same door in Dr. Jekyll's house that led to the other side of the house where Mr. Hyde lived and made his experiments. I think this was one of the first things I noticed that led me to think about the mad doctor theme.

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